Today’s tackle it Tuesday job is finally done. Every month for 16 and 1/2 years we have been sending out a ministry newsletter sharing about what God is doing in our lives. It is to encourage the body to get up and do whatever God has called them to do. Some folks are called to evangelize and shout it from the rooftops. Some folks are called to pray for the other ones who go out. Some folks are called to minister in churches, and some folks are called to be a witness in the grocery store. Some folks are blessed with finances and business wisdom and they are called to feed the ministers who work day and night. Ministers need to feed their families too 🙂 . And fill their gas tank. And some are called to write. But everyone is called to do something. If you don’t know what it is, just worship Jesus and He will tell you. Don’t let someone else tell you, let it be what He puts in your heart. And worship is something we are all called to.
So anyway, This was the Tuesday I send out the newsletter. Writing it is easy, I always have more than enough words from Him to write. But it is the actual sending out that is a pain in the behind. I am challenged at every step. There are always conflicts between our internet and the sending service. There are always distractions. (today is was the nearly new washing machine deciding to quit mid-cycle). The printer always breaks and so on and so on. But I persevere because anything I do that bothers the enemies kingdom this much is worth repeating. And now as I am writing this I notice that even though I clicked the queue to send the email version of the newsletter over an hour ago it still has not done it’s thing. UUGH. Nobody ever said serving Jesus would be easy. But it is worth it. So, as my girls hand wring out laundry I will try sending again, then I will move onto the printed version. You can read it online here
Psalm 84:10 (New International Version)
Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
I empathize with you on the “technology” problems! Remember, God gave you the calling and the words – man created the technology – therein lies the problem! 🙂 Hang in there – God will provide a way – even if it’s not as quick as we’d want it sometimes!!! 🙂 Bless you for your blessing others!