I am blogging today over at Titus 2 at The Well, but I am also posting it here for you, feel free to join me there for the comment conversation 🙂 as well as here. I also have lots more coming up here today.
Seems that here in the south it changes from one season to the next so quickly. One minute it is cold and we have the woodstove crackling and the next we are noticing everything blooming. I have seen the bare trees completely covered in leaves in a matter of a couple weeks, and I have seen them shed their leaves again just as quickly. God’s word tells us there is a season for everything.
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven.
(Ecclesiastes 3:1)
There are things we can do in our homes to enjoy those seasons. Our favorite is to bring in fresh flowers. Not only do we pick wildflowers by the bunches and fill every room with vases full of them, but one of my daughters goes out and digs up her favorites to put in planters on the porches. However if we aren’t paying attention we can miss some, they come and go so quick. Day Lilies only bloom for a day. Most of the other flowers have quick seasons also.
Just like those flowers, our families have seasons. If we are too busy we can miss them. My 6 year old lost her 3rd tooth the other day. That was a big event to her. But like the Day Lily the excitement was gone the next day. I don’t want to miss any Day Lilies in my children’s lives. I want to enjoy each and every event like it were the only one. That takes effort. With a big family I have seen lots and lots of children losing teeth. So it wasn’t new for me. But it was very very new for Mercy.
Driving may seem old hat to you, but it is very new and exciting to your 15 year old. Cooking is just another thing for some of us, but it is a whole new world for a 7 year old. Potty training can be the most torturous thing or the biggest party ever for a 2 year old. And potty training to a 2 year old is every bit as important as driving is to a 16 year old. Motherhood is stretching to say the least. But if we don’t take time to enjoy ALL of God’s seasons we will be sorry.
Take time to smell the Roses in your family’s life. And the Day Lilies, and the Iris’s and the Daisy’s …..
and .. your thoughts?