I have a (probably bad) habit of calling the utilities companies the mafia. I know I know I should bless them, but that is how I see them. they offer tempting services, all which you can and must pay later and then they get you, after you are addicted, with hidden charges and surprise taxes. And if you don’t pay up they send out a hit man. Ok, maybe my description is a little extreme but that is how I see it. I would love to boycott them altogether. But our real job (for a real boss) is ministry, and somethings are expected. Like phones and electricity. Go figure. Anyway my favorite way to cut corners is on utilities. I have listed several ways on my 101 ways to decrease your outgo post . But the best part is that my family is learning this! When I was making my list my I asked my hubby for ideas and he said, “take some of the lightbulbs out of the fixtures”, then he smiled and said, I learned that from you! Whoo hoo, my mission in ife is completed! Ok, I know, there is more to do. But for today that is my Frugal friday contribution. Don’t forget we also need to learn how to increase our income. Click here for some of the best resources I have ever seen.
I think your new wedsite is great!!! But, I want the recipe for Strawberry Ice Cream. My friend brought over her electric freezer two weeks ago and we made (her recipe) Strawberry Ice Cream. It was o.k. as she said she thought she had remembered the recipe from her mother’s when she was a little girl…my friend is 86 years young so she may have not remembered the right amounts. I would really like your recipe…I just know it will be delicious…because it is from YOU