Georgia says this is her favorite tomato plant. Can you tell why? The goal is not to be the biggest plant but to be the one with the most fruit. Have you ever seen one plant with that much fruit on it?
John 15:8
This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
All too often, we want to be the biggest bush, with everyone looking at us and giving us praise. but that is so backwards. Did you know that if you plant a tomato plant in soil that is too rich or put too much fertilizer on it, then you will get a huge pretty plant but not many tomatoes? Doesn’t that just about sum up much of the body of Christ? All puffed up, saying, “look at who I am, I go to such and such church, I do this and I do that”. Yet there is no fruit. No evidence that Jesus is inside them? When we look at a tomato plant we should be impressed by the tomatoes on it. When we look at a Christian we should be impressed by the Glory of God.
I love your example! Now I will look at my stumpy little tomato plants in a whole new light. They are bearing fruit – not lots of leaves! Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful WFW.
.-= Alexis´s last blog ..Word Filled Wednesday James 15:16 =-.
What a great example. Thanks for sharing
.-= Michele´s last blog ..Word filled Wednesday =-.
A great WFW, thank you ~
.-= Cathy´s last blog ..Word Filled Wednesday =-.
Great illustration.
.-= Denise´s last blog ..Word Filled Wednesday =-.
Thank you for the word.As you know I live in Scotland where it is cold and wet most of the time-so we are very happy as we have 21 tomatoes on one of our plants.Not bad for cold old Scotland!!