the most coveted prize of all my giveaways, APRONS! from
but just to make things really tasty I am adding in my Creatively Simple – how to Make Chocolate Cobbler ebook!
Our next giveaway is another apron from . This contest is open to US mailing addresses.
This contest will end next Wednesday July 22 at midnight and a winner chosen and announced the next day.
visit the site and come back to tell me in a comment what your favorite is, if you want additional entries you can get them this way
leave a separate comment for each entry
- you can get an extra entry if you subscribe to the Jumpinbloomers mailing list on the front page
- you can get an extra entry if you subscribe to my bookstore mailing list on the front page
- you can get an extra entry if you subscribe in a reader to my blog
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- you can get an extra entry if you follow me on twitter and tweet this contest
- you can get an extra entry if you befriend me on facebook and share about this contest
- you can get an extra entry if you blog about this contest on your blog and tell me about it with the url
- you can get an extra entry if you use the “share this” button below, and comment telling me where you shared
- you can get an extra entry if you add my button to your blog, here is the code below, add it to a sidebar or as a widget, then come back and tell me in a comment
I like the standard apron from jumpin’ bloomers, as far as their apron section goes…but I love the women’s pinafore.
My favorite is the Christy line – the white one (I know, that’s insane with little kids!) I just think it is soooooooo pretty and ultra feminine! 🙂
I love the Christy apron for women or kids – in white. With 3 daughters and 5 granddaughters who love aprons, the only hard part would be choosing who to give it to for Christmas 🙂 Me? I’m so busy writing, I mostly go for the healthy TV dinners 🙂 🙂 🙂
.-= Kaye – SandwichINK´s last blog ..Swine Flu Tools Update for Grandparents and Senior Home Care Givers =-.
Just tweeted about it @SandwichINK “Great contest @pennyraine -chocolate cobbler ebook & really great-looking apron! All my girls would love it! 🙂 ”
.-= Kaye – SandwichINK´s last blog ..Swine Flu Tools Update for Grandparents and Senior Home Care Givers =-.
I really like the tiered skirts! The little girls things are wonderful…but I only have boys!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..~Catching up…~ =-.
I just added you to google reader. Love your booklets by the way!
.-= Danielle´s last blog ..~Catching up…~ =-.
i love all of them! my fav fabric is the cats P09-2
i sub to your bookstore homepage!
.-= tami lewis´s last blog ..PanopticonUK: Obama’s science advisor once advocated mass sterilisation and forced abortion! =-.
i follow on twitter and i tweeted
.-= tami lewis´s last blog ..PanopticonUK: Obama’s science advisor once advocated mass sterilisation and forced abortion! =-.
i am your friend on fb and i shared this!
.-= tami lewis´s last blog ..PanopticonUK: Obama’s science advisor once advocated mass sterilisation and forced abortion! =-.
button on blog 🙂
.-= tami lewis´s last blog ..PanopticonUK: Obama’s science advisor once advocated mass sterilisation and forced abortion! =-.
I love the convertible apron in the bright daisy fabric pattern(B6). Now how can you look at that and NOT be happy?!
I am happy to have discovered and signed up at JumpinBloomers!
I love the F09 apron!
I subscribe to your bookstore!
I subscribe by email!
I love the Christy apron. It’s so pretty!
.-= Penney Douglas´s last blog ..Do You Really Believe? =-.
I shared about this giveaway on Facebook.
.-= Penney Douglas´s last blog ..Do You Really Believe? =-.
I just tweeted about this giveaway. 🙂
.-= Penney Douglas´s last blog ..Do You Really Believe? =-.
I LOVE the apron with the full tob and skirt and the apple fabric A-16. I have been wanting to start wearing aprons! 🙂 It will save my clothes if nothing else 🙂 I love that they have a pocket too 🙂
.-= Mrs. Tami Sisemore´s last blog ..MY THEME SONG! =-.
ok, I have 3 more entries because I did the following:
you can get an extra entry if you subscribe to the Jumpinbloomers mailing list on the front page
you can get an extra entry if you subscribe to my bookstore mailing list on the front page
you can get an extra entry if you subscribe in a reader to my blog Subscribe in a reader
.-= Mrs. Tami Sisemore´s last blog ..MY THEME SONG! =-.
I think the pinafores would be absolutely perfect for my girls!
The Christy apron is my favorite!!! 🙂
I like all those scrunchies!!
I subscribed to your blog. 🙂
I like the standard apron in the A16 (apple) fabric. My daughter is doing apples in her future home, so she would love to add this to her hope chest! Thanks for the give-away!
.-= Jennifer R.´s last blog ..Bookmark for Professor Horner’s Bible Reading System =-.
I love both the convertible apron and the Christy apron!
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Second place winners =-.
My favorite is the standard apron and my favorite fabric was B14. 🙂
I love the big girl apron. That is so cute, and the lace on it makesit so feminine!!
.-= Abby´s last blog ..Manicured coming of age =-.
Ooh, glad you tweeted about this. I wouldn’t have known about it if you hadn’t. 🙂
I think I would like to have the Mommy purse. I think its really cute. 🙂
I tried to sign up for the newsletter on the JB site, but it wouldn’t let me. Then I couldn’t find it on your bookstore. Help me out? 🙂
But I am following you on twitter. Hre’s when I tweeted it –
I added it to my contest and giveaway page –
that’s where all my giveaways I entered are. 🙂
I added your button to my sites I enjoy page –
I subscribed you to both, all you have to do is confirm, blessings dear girl!
I tweeted under both accounts, cofeeiv and BFWHC.
.-= Ruth´s last blog ..A Few Activity Ideas Part 3 =-.
I love the convertable apron!!! That would be my favorite!
I retweeted your give away on twitter as well!!!
.-= Ginger´s last blog ..Jokesters =-.