Over at The Well Titus 2 the topic is showing your family love. As usual I have what is probably a little different point of view. I need to share my background and testimony one of these days for you to truly appreciate what a miracle God has done in me. He is the true and original transformer .
But for now Deb’s questions.
Are you showing love to your family, or are you finding yourself more and more often entertaining selfishness and self pity?
If you are entertaining your flesh, what can you do today to change that and make your home a place of love and contentment?
All too often I come in contact with moms who complain that they could be a better mom or whatever if they ony had more time for themselves. They feel a need to get away, and pamper themselves. A little R&R they say will make it all better. But when they do get time away they don’t spend it praying or fellowshipping with God but rather spending it indulging in self. Then they wonder why they aren’t a better mother or wife. Well the problem is that we are supposed to crucify self rather than pamper it. The more you feed self the more it wants to be fed, it becomes a ravenous monster, and pretty soon nothing else matters and you are completely unfullfilled and miserable and often take it out on the ones you shoud be loving instead of loving yourself so much.
So the answer is “submit to Jesus”. Only He can make any of us truly happy and He knows that focusing on ourselves will really make matters worse instead of better. So. I say all of that to say this, ” If we focus not on oursleves but on the Lord and those around us we will not only make them happy, and Jesus happy, but we will also find true happiness”. How simple is that?
devita says
I am agree with you. Jesus is the only way out.