Wow, what a week last week was. I had a headache from you know where hounding me all week. But God’s word says, “submit to God, and resist the Devil and he will flee from you”, so I submitted to God and resisted that headeache and it finally stopped following me! But the battle wore me out. I finally feel re-energized and ready to go. I still got quite a bit done though. I hope you had the opportunity to join me in my Bookstore Grand Opening. I gave away a lot of books and really appreciated getting to know new folks, and I also really appreciated the comments and suggestions, please keep them coming.
Monday- I will join in with “Simple Woman’s Daybook”, “Menu Plan Monday” and “At the Well” with Chelsey, discussing keepin our homes.
Tuesday- time for Tackle it Tuesday,
Wednesday – back to Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday picture and a Word-filled picture with a fresh word from the Lord! And the apron give away you have to go to this post it ends on October 8th.
Thursday- more “real deal reviews” and Thursday Thirteen.
Friday- wrap up with Frugal Friday if Crystal continues it, and my new Meme called FAVORITE FRIDAY FREEBIES! I didn’t have it last week as I was busy giving away a ton of freebies myself in my Bookstore Grand Opening. And I will again join Robin Sampson for her Fruit of the Spirit Friday.
and .. your thoughts?