Well I did it again, went in our little local grocery after church last night ( I try to consolidate trips) and looked at the prices and nearly cried. I mean that, I really had to control myself. where is it going to end? Our income has gone way down ( we are ministry, and folks just don’t understand if you don’t pay the preacher his family doesn’t eat) and the price of eerything has at least doubled in the last 12 months. It gets overwhelming sometimes. We have a harvest going on at church but also so much opposition, Jim has very detailed dreams from the Lord, and I have been having very detailed words from Him lately. Did you know that folks who are not waking in the same direction as you are dragging you the other way? More on that later. There are a thousand things I could worry about, and they are real things. But that is my goal today, to not worry, and to make my home a place of no worry, a place of peace. That is why we live in the country, we need an escape, a haven. We minister in some rough places, to some really needy people, and while most are willing and hungry to make a change in their lives, some are not. And the ones that are not can really cause trouble. So we need a place to get away from it all. But this place would not be worth getting away to if we don’t keep an atmosphere of peace. So here it is, Jesus, I give it all to you. That is how I make my Home A Haven today, by giving it all to Him.
and .. your thoughts?