OK, part of my problem last night was that we filled the gas tank in the car. $55, now that was the car, if we had filled the van it would have been $125, and we would get about the same amount of miles in either one, needless to say we hardly ever even drive the van. But hey at these prices comfort is not an option. So, tip number #1 drive the cheaper vehicle, tip #2 don’t go to the gas station and the grocery store in the same day 🙂 This week I am trying to get my new site www.bless-my-budget.com in order, so you can listen to my money woes and solutions over there. And sooner or later I will get my www.bless-the-cook.com site complete with some of these recipes.
Now onto my budget menu, these are for suppers for my Menu Plan Monday
Monday – mexican chicken and rice
Tuesday – french toast made from homemade bread, with homemade butter and blackberry jam
Wednesday – ground beef gravy over potatoes
Thursday – yellow squash and rice pliaf
Friday – spaghetti feast
and of course my girls will spice it up with lots of homade apple pies, homemade ice cream, and homemade cobblers
The Mexican Chicken and the French Toast both sound great! Maybe I’ll make some pancakes here pretty soon!!!
Hope you have a great week!