so the conversation went like this….
dear son in law calls Sunday and says they will be at church but not as early as planned, dear daughter wasn’t feeling so well, he said she looked like she was gonna throw up…….
so I said…. Is she pregnant? He was shocked…… this young couple who were both virgins till their wedding night have only been married 43 days…… I just know he was blushing.,… I have seen him blush before
he said…… uhh. I don’t know…..
I asked for him to put her on the phone… I told her I always have plenty of pregnancy tests…. I am 46 but haven’t given up hope for more….. she acted shocked…. like why was I offering such a thing….. oh to be soo young… they really aren’t that young just shy…
So I tell her she can have a test if she wants it
he calls back a few minutes later, and says now she definitely looks like she is gonna throw up, and she is so sorry but she can’t lead worship today……
my next two oldest in line (16 and nearly 18) look at me and we all know she must surely be pregnant….. but I tell them, lets just keep this to ourselves while they let it sink in….
So after church they call to tell us she had a miraculous recovery (and a trip to Walmart) and they want to come for supper……
we make mexican food… because I know a celebration is coming…. she finally says…. ok, lets get this out in the open.. I am pregnant and I don’t want to be teased about it 🙂 ……they think about fat jokes but hold back…. she is still trying to get used to the idea…. they want children very much but now it is suddenly so real….. then we have homemade ice cream and all watch an episode of Waltons cause she wants to have a “family moment”
then we all pray and bless them
my little girl is all grown up, and I am going to be a GranMomma
blessings, Penny
Lori says
I am looking forward to the day those tests give me the ‘positive’ sign again!
What a blessing! Tell you daughter, I said congrats!
Loris last blog nation under God
Brenda says
Congratulations! What an exciting adventure is ahead for them!
Brendas last blog post..Tackle It Tuesday: June 24th
Jamie says
OOOHHHHH PENNY!!!!! Congrats to you all!!!! How awesome!
Jamies last blog post..1
Milehimama says
Congratulations! How wonderful!
It’s always a shock to realize you are really, truly an “adult”. Sometimes it seems I’ll never get used to being in charge of all these little ones – is it possible that I’m their MOM? 🙂
Spring babies are wonderful!
Milehimamas last blog post..WFMW: Year in Review
Chickie Momma says
Goodness! What a wonderful story! It brought tears to my eyes. Such a blessing to have children and then grandchildren! Congratulations!
Chickie Mommas last blog post..Word Filled Wednesday Jeremiah 29:13
amydeanne says
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a wonderful story! i’m so excited for you!
amydeannes last blog post..wfw – Ask the Lord
Donielle@RaisingPeanuts says
That is so very awesome! Hoping everything goes well for her!