February is the start of our birthday extravaganzas around here. One birthday last week and about a dozen more in the next 8 weeks, all family, children, grown married children, and grandchildren. Birthdays are fun 🙂 and a celebration of life. And also cake!
So more than ever we need some order around here. So this Monday is starting with some to-do lists. I love to-do lists, how about you? I also love my new planner that started well but only for January, I need to get with it and get the rest of the year filled in. I did do birthdays, but we also have weddings, and my Lilla Rose events, and more.
Speaking of Lilla Rose, be sure to check my next post about the newest of the new.
So here is where I am again.
and …
And it all starts with to-do lists. I LOVE t0-do lists. Almost as much as I love Mondays.
I have lots of new blog posts coming up and a Lilla Rose Flexi clip giveaway .
A get it clean going week.
A re-establishing of Menu Plan Monday. There will be a new one today.
I apologize if you could not access my blog or bookstore for a few days, Hosting problems which I will share about here sometime today. So I am repeating some things, here is how we are going to start.
This weeks featured book is my Creatively Simple ~ How to Clean a House
Cleaning a house is very simple when you have a system. Hope this helps.
Now onto this week. Lets’s see what we can get cooking here. Literally
and .. your thoughts?