flattery is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, it encourages pride which leads to sin … say something nice folks but encourage them biblically, on our own we are nothing, and if we are told we are something, we spend life hugely disappointed because we never measure up …
so I LOVED this post by my friend Jenefer Igarashi
>> Surrounded by flatterers. Insecure about why people like them. Taught to expect luxury. Unable to relate to (or interact with) the poor or lower classes. Molded to the idea they are ‘deserving’ of good things. Believing they are more important than others. No, I don’t want to be a princess, and I would never encourage my daughters to become ‘somebody’s little princess’. Humble, hard working, useful, contented, sacrificial, loving, servants — that’s what I’m aiming for. Why this post? Reminded again today that movies lie. And while we may *know* that philosophically, we still literally become what entertains us. Seeds are easily planted that whisper we’re missing out on some great romance, and those seeds produce fruit: bitterness, disillusionment and/or future discontent. Note to self: Guard the heart! “I’ve come not to be served, but to serve and give my life…” Hollywood romance does not equal real love. <<
and .. your thoughts?