Before I share about the newest freebie from my bookstore, I want to tell you about something special I have for you this weekend only, good from now until Monday night, so it is a long weekend special, if you add 5 or more items to your shopping cart you may use this special code for 50% off your total!! ~~~ use code K537Y358
now, for today’s freebie, Creatively Simple – How to’s of Home Canning Tomatoes
Not only are tomatoes some of the best tasting canned vegetables, (actually fruit) but they are also some of the easiest. Tomatoes are perfect to learn with. There is no specific recipe, or extra ingredients, and they can be canned using a water canner. Water bath canning is much safer to work with and a great way to learn before moving on to pressure canning.
This is just one of a series of Creatively Simple “How to” ebooks approx 29 pages with lots of pictures -ebook download
regular Price: $4.95
today FREE freebie download page HERE
you can see my books here
and .. your thoughts?