Wow I have such a busy week planned. Figured I would just make myself a to-do list here and keep everyone posted on what is going on. We have an extremely cold cold front on top of us right now with snow predicted on Thursday. You never know what may happen around here when the weather gets wacky. We can get ice that knocks the power out for days. Doesn’t happen every year but happens enough to not be abnormal. So we are battening down the hatches and updating the netflix queue and preparing for the ice age. Lots of writing and cooking going on here when we hibernate 🙂 . So, news? Here are the plans for this week here and in my bookstore.
- lots of prayer
- exercise daily
- Simple Woman’s Daybook post Monday morning
- very special apron sale announcement Monday
- review the new econobusters January Digest special Tuesday
- book review for Thomas Nelson Tuesday
- tackle the bedroom Tuesday
- new books and big sale starts in my bookstore Wednesday, more cookbooks!
- word filled Wednesday, I am the hostess
- works for me Wednesday post
- more new books coming, The “Best Of” Series, and some new Creatively Simple books and another Family Bible Study! get your free subscription to my bookstore and don’t miss out
- planning some new giveaways
- that is it for now but I know I have more …….
and .. your thoughts?