It is Tackle It Tuesday at and I haven’t even posted yet because I am so busy tackling!
Well, todays’s tackle is just not fun, in fact it is kinda boring, unless I get creatively side tracked, it which case it will be fun but not as productive. I have several momma blogs. Because I tend to do 12 things at once and this one would seem really scattered. So I write more specifically on the others. Many folks have one blog with several categories, but even that doesn’t work for me. So I have one about recipes, and one about homeschooling and one about country life and one about blogging even and so on.
Today, it is maintenance day for my momma blogs. An unfortunate boring job that must be done.
here is my hit list,
- update plug ins
- remove spam comments
- upgrade wordpress
- evaluate if the theme is still right
- add things
- evaluate sidebars and widgets
- set goals and see how they are progressing
and when I get that done I get to create, and that gets fun!! I would love to have the time to create themes, but for now I just customize the ones I have. Ahh well. What are you working on?
Kaye Swain says
I’m right there with you! Updating themes, wordpress, and more. And you are right, it isn’t that fun! Ah well, hopefully we’ll both have even more fun with the sites when they’re all tidied up. Thank you for sharing about this. It really did encourage me. With that, back to the “housework” 🙂 🙂 🙂 Have a blessed rest of the day. 🙂
Karen says
Oh, I don’t envy you. That was my tackle last week. Not fun!