Well, we are about to begin our Blog Party here, and for those who have never participated I thought I would share what it is all about. A Blog Party is similar to an Open House. Friends popping in to say , “Hello”, lots of gifts, and giveaways and freebies being passed out. Hopefully lots of comments, and if you’ll let me know what is going at your house (blog) I will send some folks there to visit too.
As for giveaways, be sure to leave your comments at each giveaway you wish to enter. You can only enter the particular one you left a comment at. If you are my friend on facebook and twitter, just leave a comment saying, “I am already your friend on facebook” you get an extra entry if you share about that particular drawing and can add another comment for it. Likewise with twitter. So yes, it is good, very good if you already subscribe and are already “friends”. Then you are all set and ready to party!
Some of the things I will be giving away this week.
- aprons!from jumpinbloomers.com
- something else from jumpinbloomers.com
- another apron from me
- ebooks from my bookstore
- a DVD from me
- and a few other goodies
I will also be having some freebie downloads that will be open for just a couple hours each, I will announce each one well in advance, if you are subscribed to my blog by email or feed, you will know when it is coming
Now that we have all the details out of the way, Let the Party Begin!!!!
I hope you are having a blessed day, would you mind taking a minute to vote for me here? Good Mood Gig
and .. your thoughts?