Time for another apron giveaway from www.jumpinbloomers.com ! The most coveted prize of all my giveaways, APRONS! from jumpinbloomers.com and just in time, so you can spend November baking to your heart’s content! Most of the items from Jumpinbloomers are custom made but she also has several ready made aprons on her clothes rack page.
This contest is open to US mailing addresses.
This contest will end Saturday October 31 at midnight and a winner chosen and announced Monday.
visit the site Jumpinbloomers.com and come back to tell me in a comment what your favorite is, if you want additional entries you can get them this way
leave a separate comment for each entry
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- you can get an extra entry if you befriend me on facebook and share about this contest
- you can get an extra entry if you blog about this contest on your blog and tell me about it with the url
- you can get an extra entry if you use the “share this” button below, and comment telling me where you shared
- you can get an extra entry if you add my button to your blog, here is the code below, add it to a sidebar or as a widget, then come back and tell me in a comment
<a href=”https://pennyraine.com/blog” mce_href=”https://pennyraine.com/blog” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://www.purity-hosting.com/blgimg/mepr.png” mce_src=”http://www.purity-hosting.com/blgimg/mepr.png” > </a>
i want the standard apron in FALL09-e – it is screaming my name lol
i am on the jumpinbloomers’ mailing list
.-= Tami Lewis´s last blog ..from me to you, sort of =-.
button on blog
.-= Tami Lewis´s last blog ..from me to you, sort of =-.
i sub to the bookstore’s mailing list 😉
.-= Tami Lewis´s last blog ..from me to you, sort of =-.
i sub to your blog with email
.-= Tami Lewis´s last blog ..from me to you, sort of =-.
i follow u on twitter and i tweeted http://twitter.com/agodlyhomemaker/status/5223068947
.-= Tami Lewis´s last blog ..from me to you, sort of =-.
i shared on facebook too
i blogged http://giveawaybuttonblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/apron-alert.html
.-= Tami Lewis´s last blog ..from me to you, sort of =-.
Please enter me!! My favorite item at Jumpin’ BLoomers are the Praire Dress sets…too cute!!
Subscribed to your updates!
I would love to win this apron – it is beautiful! My favorite (hard to choose – they all look great) is the new “Christy” apron. I am a fan of ruffles!!
I already follow you on twitter. 😉 Retweeted the contest. 😀
I like the new convertible woman’s apron in denim – super cute!
.-= Carole´s last blog ..The Weather at My House Today =-.
I subscribed to the mailing list for Jumpin Bloomers.
.-= Carole´s last blog ..The Weather at My House Today =-.
I subscribed to you in my Google Reader.
.-= Carole´s last blog ..The Weather at My House Today =-.
I already follow you on Twitter but I Tweeted about your blog party.
.-= Carole´s last blog ..The Weather at My House Today =-.
I also added your button to my sidebar. 🙂
.-= Carole´s last blog ..The Weather at My House Today =-.
I tweeted on this…
I am in love with the new denim 2 in one apron its very adorable, and I could even get one for my daughter who is 3.
I love the Christy apron! It’s so beautiful!
Subscribed to jumpinbloomers mailing list
I love the convertible apron in Blue Tick.
I love the HOL-09-s apron!!
monk5 at charter dot net
I subscribe by email!
monk5 at charter dot net
I really like April’s bloomers, but I LOVE the Christy apron!
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Times and Seasons =-.
I’m already subscribed to your RSS feed.
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Times and Seasons =-.
I tweeted this! SimpleBlessings on twitter.
I visited the site and really like the convertible apron, what a great idea!
I subscribed to the jumpinbloomers mailing list!
I love the ruffly Christy apron. Very feminine. This fall one is very lovely and I would love to give that to my mom.
Thanks for the chance.
I am on the jumpinbloomers mailing list.
I subscribe via RSS feed.
I subscribed to your bookstore mailing list.
i really like the FALL09-g fabric for an apron – that’s really pretty! thanks!
.-= sarah´s last blog ..Baby Doll Clothes =-.
My favorite apron is the convertible apron in the FALL-09-i fabric. It is really cute. Thanks.
I like the apron you show in the picture for this giveaway. My favorite fabric is FALL-09-i. Thanks. 😉