For todays tackle it Tuesday I have my self quite a list. We actually started yesterday, I don’t know if it was the weather after a nice rain or what but boy did we get a lot done.
- Hannah and I made peanut butter and crunchy chocolate pop tarts and took lots of pictures for our new book.
- Moriah and I made homemade laundry soap with lots of pictures for another book.
- Georgia lanscaped till she couldn’t lift another finger, no book on that one, but I need to one day.
- I still have several more articles I am working on.
- But Hannah and I also got our pictures ready for a photo contest we are entering.
- began the first giveaway of the week
So my big tackle left for today is
- to let y’all know that I am having a great sale in my bookstore.
- And I am sending out my Front Porch Fellowship Ezine today. subscribe free here
- And working on more giveaways, there will be at least two more this week. Good ones, very good ones.
- There wil be at least one apron from involved 🙂 . And lots more so stay tuned.
for more tackle it Tuesdays visit here
Kimmie says
Great list and tackles! I checked out your bookstore and bookmarked it. And I’ll be checking back for your giveaways! 🙂
.-= Kimmie´s last blog ..Cleaning Out The Trashmobile =-.