This week’s preview
More of the same here, getting into the swing of summer, yet there are changes all around. Here on the farm we have been working hay, I was just thinking about how I need to write about that. There is a science behind all agricutural activities. Farmers are very wise folks. Especially older ones. As far as my writing week ….
Look forward to some new header pictures, they change everytime you refresh.
In my bookstore I have new things coming
I am reworking my site, if you are interested in the Where to Find Repo Homes Special Reports, you need to get them quick as I will be ending the sale as soon as I get the new site ready.
My is up and running and has more new recipes on it, and I have another I am gtting in order,
Here is my blogging schedule for the week.
Monday- I will join in with “Simple Woman’s Daybook”, “Menu Plan Monday” and “At the Well” is back!
Tuesday- Time for Tackle it Tuesday. Maybe another blogging lesson. I have added some blogging resources to my sidebar.
Wednesday – Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday picture and a Word-filled picture with a fresh word from the Lord!
Thursday- In the past it has been “real deal reviews” and Thursday Thirteen, and Thankful Thursday. And maybe a guest post. I have just not been at a regular schedule on Thursdays so I may come up with something new.
Friday- Back to Frugal Fridays, and my Meme called FAVORITE FRIDAY FREEBIES! Did you all enjoy is last week?
Anything new you would like to see added to the regular schedule? I am really looking for some new ideas.
take a look at my front page I have great things happenings this week! and in my bookstore! better yet subscribe to my feed
and .. your thoughts?