Dining On A Dime
Here we go. How would you like to win this book, Dining On A Dime, the print version?
My friend Tawra Kellam is known as the all time queen of frugality. Her books give you tips you never thought of and she was quite a help when we were planning my daughters wedding last year. Her mom, Jill Cooper writes with her, and they are a wealth of information. So, as a warm up for the Big Bloggy Giveaway Week we will be having April 26- May 1, we are going to give away 1 of these books. But it will only last until Monday, I am encouraging you to move fast here. The early bird gets the worm you know . This is also good practice for all the giveaways April 26 – May 1, since I run all mine contests pretty much the same. Winner will be announced next Tuesday morning.
Tawra and Jill are also having an incredible sale, that ends Monday, take a look.
Ok here goes, with this contest, sorry but this one goes to a US address only.
- visit the site here, come back in a comment and tell me your favorite item from that site.
- if you share about the contest on your blog come back and leave another comment telling me you shared and the url.
- you may comment again for another entry if you subscribe to my feed
- you may comment again for another entry if you use the “share this” link and tell me where you shared
- you may comment again for another entry if you follow me on twitter http://www.twitter.com/pennyraine
- you may comment again for another entry if you add me as a friend on facebook, Penny Raine
wow that is lots of ways to win! please enter in each category with a seperate comment
I can’t believe a single woman can live and take care of 2 kids on $500.00 per month. What an amazing woman…That was my favorite thing, reading about the mom and daughter…I have the site saved on my faves and will return daily. They have so many ideas. I can’t wait to learn more.
Jewel Cyrs last blog post..Me…write a book…
I posted the giveaway on my blog. I hope I did it right. At least it is there with the link and all…I love your blog. I miss living in the country.
Jewel Cyrs last blog post..Me…write a book…
Penny Pinchin’ Mama has to be the ebook I’m most interested in – we’re looking for more ways to save – already cut our grocery bill in half using some of Tawra’s ideas 🙂
I found Penny on Facebook…I love having Christian sisters to speak to be learn from…Thank Penny.
Winning The Credit Card Game sounds like it would be very helpful in this economy!
Dining on a Dime also Penny Pinchin’ Mama!I love their blog. monk5@charter.net
I subscribe!
Digging out of Debt looks good. Thanks for the contest!
I also follow you on twitter.