I have 5 daughters, yes, count them, 5. And I am also blessed with 3 sons, and I mean blessed when I say blessed. My daughters however are the ones who take my ideas and recipes and RUN with them! I read many years ago in a Mary Pride book that if you want your children to learn then make learning accessible. So I do. And things are not always done my way, nor kitchen items even organized the way I want, but you know what? They do things better than I can!
My daughters are far more creative than I, better cooks and better bakers. I can give them a recipe and they make it better than I ever did, and I am a pretty good cook if I do say so myself. I can teach them a simple pattern and they can create a whole new line of clothing and sew for hundreds of mothers everywhere!
In the Old Testament it tells us not to forget, and to write it down. So I have been. I write a lot anyway. But recently I have been putting together every little thing that folks see us do and say, “How do you do that, will you teach me?” I am putting mine together as e-books and making them available as sometimes freebies or in my bookstore, but the point I am making here is that I am writing them down. I don’t want my granddaughter to wonder how Grandmomma use to do things. I want her to KNOW how Grandmomma (me) does things. With pictures! And instructions! And I want everyone else’s daughters and grand daughters to know also.
My daughters amaze me with their creativeness of finding ways to accomplish things with what is at hand. That is also something I want to pass on. Get creative! Find a way, make a way. So anyway that is what works for me this Wednesday, subscribe to my feed and I will let you know when I am giving away one of my ebooks for free, like the one coming up this Friday on how to make butter. I have several from our kitchen this week. Next week we will be in the sewing room.
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Oh this is such wonderful advice. 🙂
My mother made me a small recipe book years ago and I cherish it.
Great post. 🙂
I really like how you’re organizing your site, it looks really good.
Deneses last blog post..Signs of Spring in the Holler