On one of the groups I am on someone raised the question, “Do homeschoolers buy more books than the average family?” I thought I would answer with a Wordless Wed picture. This is the biggest bookshelf we have covering a 19 foot wall. But it isn’t the only bookshelf we have, there are more , and also more books in storage. Good thing I have a big house.
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I love it Penny – so glad to know I’m not alone! BTW, did you get my email? Not sure if I used the right address :).
Jennifer @ Quiverfull Familys last blog post..DVD Review: VeggieTales – Abe and the Amazing Promise: A Lesson in Patience
LOL! I came here to warn you (below) but got a kick out of this anyway! Love the bookshelves!!!
I just wanted to let you know that Homeschool Jewel has stolen your post. I saw it on there this morning. She has scraped several of mine and lots of other people’s as well. I’m just trying to pass the word. I’m tired of this!
( I edited to take off link, no reason to give more attention to the site)
Momma Knowss last blog post..Reading up, articulation down
I love this photo! I love books!! (And if you’re anything like me you have many more ebooks stored on your computer as well.)
Thank you, I did a little searching and that site appears to be run by a program rather than a real person, it has a person’s name, but I doubt it is real. There are also tons of articles by that name, on every site that pays for articles that are obviously manufactured, words mixed up and not in proper context. For $99 anyone can buy a prgram to do that and put out articles by the hundreds but they are about as fake as a $3 bill with Clintons face on it, and as obvious. Best advice I have is focus on the real, the fake stuff will wither up and die. But the minute I see something illeagal I know who to call 🙂 .
I am so in love with that picture. Not much cooler than being surronded by good books.
Kristies last blog post..Family Game Night