Folks are so excited about the skin color of the new President, what about the skin color of the babies?
Washington, DC ( — In less than five minutes after Barack Obama took over as the next president, the White House web site changed from pro-life to pro-abortion. The previous site, which touted the pro-life proclamation President Bush signed late last week, now includes Obama’s agenda for women, which calls for promoting abortion.
Gone is any mention of the Sanctity of Human Life Day or the speeches or actions of President Bush’s that promoted human life. Now, in the same color scheme and format as the Bush site, there is a celebration of Obama’s agenda.
According to a web site search of, the only page on the official governmental site to mention abortion is a page detailing what Obama will do to promote the interests of women.
Though abortions cause women a myriad of medical and mental health problems, Obama states his clear intent, in a section entitled “reproductive choice,” to make abortions even more available.
God help us.
This absolutely disgusts me. I truly worry what the next 4 years will hold. For all of those people who said abortion wasn’t an issue to vote on since the Pres. can’t really effect the decision of Rowe vs. Wade – well, this is proof of what a pres. can do… Very sad indeed.
Phoebes last blog post..The Simple Woman’s Daybook
I agree with you 100%…it does seem that the African Americans are now more concerned with skin color than we have been in some time! I worry more about the person (and baby) then I do the color of their skin!
Christys last blog post..A Thousand Words Thursday – 1-22-09