Can you believe it is December 15th? I have so many things to do , but this dial up is soooo slow. I sure hope to get my sattelite fixed quickly. These are my plans for this week, but as usual it is just a starting place, I may get to it all and more or I could go another direction. Looks like warmer weather, but lots of rain. We are already knee deep in mud. I will get a picture for you.
Monday- Hhmm, I am feeling like I want to do a last minute sale in my bookstore, I will keep you posted. Also I will join in with “Simple Woman’s Daybook”, “Menu Plan Monday” and “At the Well”.
Tuesday- Time for Tackle it Tuesday, and hopefully another blogging lesson, have you got blogging questions?
Wednesday – Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday picture and a Word-filled picture with a fresh word from the Lord!
Thursday- The plan is more “real deal reviews” and Thursday Thirteen, and Thankful Thursday. And maybe a guest post.
Friday- my new Meme called FAVORITE FRIDAY FREEBIES! I missed it last week, And I will again try to join Robin Sampson for her Fruit of the Spirit Friday. And Crystal is back with Frugal Friday?
need a good read? check my bookstore
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and .. your thoughts?