Since we live up next to a hill as the sun comes up it hits the tops of the trees first. It is ablsolutely beautiful anyway but even more so in the snow. It reminds me of this scripture.
Lamentations 3:22-24
Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
Few of us has ever been through trial so great as Israel was at the time this was written, yet we are reminded of His love. New every morning. No matter how dark the night is, the sun will rise.
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you have NO idea how envious i am! it looks like we’ll be turning the a/c on for a bit this afternoon here in florida. blechhhhhhhhhh! i’d so rather live somewhere the season’s actually change!
jayedees last blog life list
Lovely view, great Scripture promises!
Our home is in the middle of a “holler” and we get the treetop beams of sunlight as well, especially beautiful glittering of frost-kissed branches.
Patricia@TypingOne-Handeds last blog post..WFW: The Glory of God!
Beautiful pictures, and beautiful Scripture. I love it. Thanks for sharing. Happy WFW!!
Laurie Anns last blog post..
Beautiful photos! The sunlight on the trees is gorgeous. While everyone else got snow, we got rain. Bleh!
By the way, I found your site via entrecard and I’ll definitely be back – already added you to my reader. 😛
Kara Ss last blog post..Mystery Solved! It’s a Boxador!
Beautiful pictures!!
Signes last blog post..Texas Women…
Absolutely magnificent. Wow. That is beautiful! 😯
LauraLee@LauraLee’s Lifesongs last blog post..Blind Service
What a beautiful scene. So peaceful and restful and I enjoyed reading the Scripture quote.
Mountain Womans last blog post..Halfway Up Red Pine Mountain Lies The Cemetery
I love these, snow is so awesome.
Denises last blog post..Word Filled Wednesday
beautiful pictures!!! I love it : )
Gorgeous pictures!
Nancys last blog post..Baking cookies
Oh, how beautiful. I love the scripture you choose for today.
Blessings to you?
Just beautiful, snow makes everything so pure and white. 🙂
Deneses last blog post..Homeschool Freebie/$10 Super Deal
This is my 4th Christmas in Florida and I’m really missing snow!!! What a beautiful scene outside your window! Thanks for sharing!
Kathy – Virtual Impaxs last blog post..Warning: Serious MSIE Security Risk Discovered – AGAIN!