Now that sounds bad doesn’t it? But I mean it in a good way, you know Jesus was a rebel too. He rebelled against the religious system, He rebelled against the traditions of man. He rebelled gainst anything that was not of His Father. So it is perfectly ok for me to rebel against wrong things, and it makes me feel better. One of my favorite ways to rebel against high prices is to give things away. I don’t know, just doing the opposite feels good 🙂 . Yes my children do think I am weird.
So, since prices are high on everything including my overpriced internet service which is failing to work properly because, oh my it is raining, I am giving things away today. If you go to my new bookstore and look at the tabs on the top and click on the freebie of the day, you can get my newest book free as a download. If you sign up for my newsletter you will get another. And just because I love you, I am going to give you my Chocolate Cobbler recipe free here, just click here. And today is also the last day of our Holiday Apron giveaway see the post below this one or click here. We will be drawing for this at one minute past midnight central time, and posting the winner tomorrow morning . And I don’t know I might just add something else. Keep a look on my front page today. Because rebelling against bad with something good woks For Me this Wednesday!
Hi Penny, you rebel with a cause. 😀
Thanks for the freebie.