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Urgent Prayer Point for America
Dear Friends of TheCall,
As you know, for years we have stood in prayer for the ending of abortion. Tuesday night a key friend of mine received this dream:
I had a very short dream, yet it is an exhortation to pray for the vice presidential debate this Thursday evening.
In the dream, I was reading Friday’s paper (the day after the debate). There were two papers. One said, “Palin hits a home run,” while the second said, “Palin strikes out.”
As I was looking at those two papers, I found myself back at the debate and saw the darkness and powers surrounding the event. Great darkness had been assigned to the debate, and the church was not seeing it nor taking it soberly.
Would you pray with thousands of others today and during the debate tonight for God’s supernatural hand to attend this profound Esther moment? Thank you!
Lou Engle
and .. your thoughts?