At the Well Monday, September 15, 2008
Hostess: Tracy at Thirsty for Him
Topic: Purity – Being set apart from the world
Discussion Questions:
Titus 2 calls us “to be self-controlled and pure… that no one will malign the word of God.”
How do we teach the next generation (both our daughters and other young Christian women) how to live a life of purity WITHOUT falling into legalistic rules, or on the other hand, to slip into a worldly mindset, teetering on impurity? How do we live, as Jesus said, “in the world” without being “of the world?”
How is the word of God maligned when we aren’t living in purity?
Many years ago I read something that has stuck with me. It was about counterfeiters. I was reading that the techniques banks use to help their employees spot a counterfeit bill had nothing to do with studying the fakes. Rather they had them handle and count lots and lots of real authentic money. When you spend so much time with the real thing, the fake is easy to spot. To me, purity is authenticity. Not perfection, but authentic. You cannot pretend to be pure. All the supposed right clothes and following rules does not make one pure. We live near an Amish community, and would you be surprised if I told you that many have problem with immorality? Well it is true. But they wear the outfits and follow the rules. However that does not make one pure. It has to be in the heart. It has to come from inside. And what is inside is a reflection of what you feed your Spirit. So where am I going with all of this? Jesus, on your outside, on your inside, on your right side and on your left side. Livin for Him, and not for yourself. The world teaches to put yourself #1. But the Word teaches to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him. Surround yourself with the real thing. With truth. Truth in what you watch, hear, speak, read, play and wear. Don’t think it doesn’t matter. Living in compromise and impurity yet still claiming His name causes others to stumble. And unless you like the look of a millstone necklace, that is just not a good thing to do. Jesus himself said that He would rather have us cold than lukewarm.
When we are pure on the inside it shows on the outside. And others will want what you have.
Laurie Ann says
Amen to that! Great post!
Laurie Anns last blog post..
Chelsey says
You are always such a blessing when you come to The Well. I am so glad you let Jesus speak through you. Your words are so full of wisom and raw spiritual truth.
Thank you, thank you my dear sister in Christ!!!
Chelseys last blog post..At the Well – Purity
Laurie Adams says
Wow … I love that about purity being authentic. You are right you cannot pretend to be pure if you are not. Thanks for sharing AT THE WELL today.
LauraLee Shaw says
Amen, and WoW! This post packed a whole lotta punch, and the fruity kind. The analogy you used about the counterfeit money will stick with me as well.
LauraLee Shaws last blog post..Purity Tested/At the Well
Rebecca says
Straight and to the point! I loved your thoughts: Focusing on just the outside is not going to cut it, purity has to do with the inside. You wrote, “And what is inside is a reflection of what you feed your Spirit. ” So, so true. Good stuff for today. And “unless you like the look of a millstone necklace” had me cracking up. You preach it! 🙂
Rebeccas last blog post..Are You a Utensil?
Sheila says
“Jesus, on your outside, on your inside, on your right side and on your left side. Livin for Him, and not for yourself. The world teaches to put yourself #1. But the Word teaches to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him. Surround yourself with the real thing. With truth. Truth in what you watch, hear, speak, read, play and wear. Don’t think it doesn’t matter. Living in compromise and impurity yet still claiming His name causes others to stumble. And unless you like the look of a millstone necklace, that is just not a good thing to do. Jesus himself said that He would rather have us cold than lukewarm.
When we are pure on the inside it shows on the outside. And others will want what you have.”
I LOVE THAT! PERFECTLY SAID! I just may have to quote you and put it on my sidebar!!!
from the heart
Sheilas last blog post..At the Well: Purity
Penny says
Thanks so much Sheila!