If you’re just catching up with this discussion, here are links to my previous posts with links back to the effort to pin down what flavor of Christian GOP VP choice Sarah Palin might be. Pentecostal? Bible Church? Lutheran?
John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter has an interesting take:
The initial confusion surrounding Palin’s denominational identity, therefore, has a simple explanation: She doesn’t have one.
Instead, Palin appears to be part of that rapidly expanding galaxy of “post-denominational” Christianity, where elements of Evangelical and Pentecostal styles of faith and worship fuse into a myriad of unique local combinations, and where old denominational loyalties are essentially dead.
Bob Smietana, the religion writer for The Tennessean, has been exchanging e-mails with me as we both set out on the hunt. He says: “Looks like she’s a charismatic, or charismatic leaning, if her home congregation is Church on The Rock.
Her mom apparently goes to church here.” Read Bob’s story here.If Bob is right, she’d be the first Charismatic on a ticket, I think? Whether or not she categorizes herself as such?
I wonder if Palin (or the GOP campaign) will find it useful/necessary to have her explain her religious worldview? The presidential candidates have answered more religious questions than a seminary student. Will she put herself in the position to face those kinds of queries?
In other words folks maybe just maybe, she is born again? Is it possible? I sure hope so. I loved this part, “where old denominational loyalties are essentially dead.” What a new idea that maybe our loyalty should be to Christ instead of a denomination. Anyways, she has a lovely family and to answer my previous question about who was watching the baby, it looks like he is in very good hands, the hands of his caring family. It is a rare woman who can work outside and inside the home, with her family actually well and properly cared for, but Sarah Palin looks like she just might be one of those rare women. May the Lord bless.
Last but not least, check out this link to see what the anti-God folks are saying, my goodness she is accused of a lot of things, all which point to her actually being born again. From their point of view. Now I really am impressed.
Born again means something. It means that you are changed, spiritually, and that you bear a certain kind of spiritual fruit as a result of that change, namely love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness. In addition, the fruit of the new light in your heart also consists of righteousnes and truth.
The born again Christian is “called to do all to the glory of God”–all, which includes running a political campaign. Sadly, if Sarah Palin did not label herself born again, there is nothing about her speech or conduct that would lead anyone to believe that she has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I do not say this lightly, well aware that in all likelihood I have a log in my own eye. But Jesus said himself that we will know them by their fruit and that a good tree bears only good fruit and bad trees, bad fruit.
Sarah Palin stood before over forty million people telling half truths and making both false and misleading statements about her accomplishments, her positions, her character, as well as Obama’s positions. We Alaskans know that she didn’t say no to the Bridge to Nowhere, and we know that there is not even a deal yet to build the gas pipeline, yet her speech was rhetorically structured to give the nation the impression that pipes have been laid. Also, born again Christians don’t use loopholes to get legal but morally unjust gain in the form of $60 per diem while living at home for 300 days out of 19 months while in office. We don’t scorn, mock , or belittle our opponets as she did Obama’s desire for “healing the planet” when we know that its Creator knows when even a sparrow falls to the ground. Yet, that is what Palin did in her speech at the convention. Addititonally, Palin is sueing the government over listing the polar bear over their protected status because it might interfere with her plans for drilling. Truly, people have more value to God than sparrows or polar bears, but there are alternatives and we can do better than despoiling the earth for profit and power. It does not honor God to be such poor stewards of his creation.
Her speech was mean spirited and she likened herself to the viciousness of a pit bull. Nothing Christ like about that, nothing kind, gentle, good, or loving. Nothing suggested that the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto others, was her core ethic.
Instead, she has made it clear that she puts her trust in oil and guns and political might–a rather unholy trinity.
In her interview on ABC she said she didn’t blink in her response to McCain when he asked her to be his nominee. What rational (and humble) person doesn’t blink, doesn’t take a moment to critically think about their answer? What born again believer doesn’t pray about something like that?
I’m an Alaskan, a republican, and a born again believer, but I cannot vote for a ticket with Sarah Palin on the ballot, someone who is apparently willing and ready to shoot first and ask questions later. And if “character is the measure in this election,” I think Sarah Palin’s falls short.
Hmm. Seems Sarah has a few enemies even in Alaska. I had prayed for her to be the choice when she was barely on the radar screen. She is a type A personality, common to many Christian leaders. Confidence is not a liability. I saw the ABC interview, but it was admittedly edited which those who saw it all said changed the meaning of some things. I believe what she said about Obama was true. There was a lot she could have said, but didn’t – his strong New Age ties through Ophrah. Did you notice he used the Eckhart Tolle (Ophrah’s Guru) expression “this present moment” fourteeen times in Berlin? His campaign is totally New Age. In terms of Sarah, the surest proof she IS born again is that the world HATES her. It is a venom and a passionate outpouring ridiculing her faith and values. McCain and Obama have generated no such outcry. While both men said the obligatory words about “faith in Christ”, people with any spiritual sensitivity pick it up immediately – both saints AND sinners. By the way, she never claimed the pipes were laid – she said the deal was struck. Paula, you sound like a devotee of Christian Leftist Jim Wallis – is that so?
I followed the link to the article by the “anti-God” folks. Boy, they sure are a hostile group. Did you read any of the comments? I had no idea just how much hatred there is toward Christians. So sad. So many headed the wrong way.
Dear John,
I don’t know who Jim Wallis is, but I know who Jesus is, and when I “read the red” and use that as the plumb line–well, we all fall short, but it is such a cop out to blame the media for Palin falling short. Please go to the Anchorage Daily News online and read for your self what we know about her. In particular, read Dan Fagan’s articles–he is a strong supporter of Palin but also of the truth. Also, google “Palin” along with her “Bob Lester radio interview.” I think you can listen to it live the way we did up here in Alaska and ask yourself honestly if you are hearing the fruit of the spirit.
Finally, I am not Sarah Palin’s enemy. In fact, if she is indeed born again, I am her sister in Christ, but the truth about her matters. If you still want to vote for her fine, but at least vote with your eyes wide open. I voted for George Bush his first term on the basis of his stand on abortion and being born again. I thought that by being born again it meant that he would conduct himself in a Christ like manner. For example, I thought that meant instead of torturing our enemies he would offer them a drink of water. I thought he “got” the paradox of love–that we would win over our enemies by doing what is right. It is not that I don’t believe that as a nation we might not have to go to war, but we can and should still conduct ourselves in ways that honor the code that Jesus set forth. I was so wrong about him. I do not want to make the same mistake again.
I don’t know about Obama’s “new age” affiliation, but I do know that he cares about the poor, the sick, the homeless, the disenfranchised, and creation. I know that he forsook riches to help those in trouble as a community organizer–something Palin mocked him for.
Sarah Palin could play this so differently. She doesn’t have to be the smartest most experienced person on the ticket which she clearly is not, if in reality she was the most ethical, the most prudent, the most kind and the most forgiving, loving person on the ticket. Jesus proved there is such strength in that .She would at least win everyone’s respect, if not their vote and further the cause of Christ. But alas that is not the case. She has so clearly given into moral compromise. The sad part is she is just as blind to it as the Christians who adore her.