Ok, let me see, I have soo much to tell you about. First of all my Bless-my-Budget.com blog is LIVE as we speak! come and visit and learn how to turn your chump change into GOLD. Well not really bu you will learn so many ways to save money it will feel like it. My big news is that my good friends have given me more stuff to give in my bloggy giveaways this week than here are days! So I a giving away 3 count them, 1, 2, 3 things today! Well actually all drawings will take place this weekend, but you enter today. Scroll through my blog this week to find them all. And now for some really big news, my dear friend Crystal Paine from Biblicalwomanhood suprised us with a very big summer sale TODAY, you can still get it tomorrow but not at today’s price, so act quick. She has a mile high stack of ebooks including Supermarket Savings all for only $5.97. I already own these books but I am going to get a package for my daughter, this is too good to pass up!
Wow, you really are on a roll with this give away! I’m new to your site and I just love it and it’s now in my favorites.
Jennifers last blog post..Household Managment Schedules (HMS) – Part 1