I would love to hear some comments here on why other folks blog. Some folks blog as a social outlet, some to promote a product or business, some to share a message and some have no idea why they blog. I would also love to hear some comments listing which are your favorite blogs to read. Do you read blogs of folks you know, or do you get to know folks by the blogs you read? Do you ever read commercial blogs? Thanks for your input!
Thank you for the inspiration, today 🙂 I blogged the answer to your question in my blog here http://www.krississippi.com/2008/05/why-i-blog/
I blog because I want to! Aside from that…
I blog because I want to share my experience and thoughts about adopting and adoptive parenting. I write about adoption because I believe my opinions are valid and should be recognized as equal to all other adoption viewpoints.
I blog because I want to connect with other kidney disease patients. I write about my personal kidney-related health issues to express my emotions about living with chronic illness and to prove to the world that living with chronic illness does not equal chronic unhappiness.
I blog out of a sense of urgency to advocate for the issues for which I believe are the most important – mainly adoption/adoption parenting/adoption reform and kidney disease/organ donation awareness.
I blog to express my frustrations… not about anything specifically, but about everything specifically.
I blog to explore my insecurities, and I find that sometimes I blog to discover my insecurities. Blogging about what bothers me most gives me helps me figure out why I feel the way I do.
I blog when I need a friend who does nothing but silently listens reads…
… although, I also blog when I need a friend to leave a comment to offer advice, support or point out things that I might not have otherwise realized or considered.
I blog as a form of self-therapy and to record my thoughts so that I may look back at them when I need to remind myself where I’ve come from and where I’m going. Of course this also creates a great record of my life and a journal of who I am.
I blog because I feel much less inhibited in expressing myself online, especially about difficult to discuss topics. I can always delete a comment (although I very rarely do) that has gone awry, but I can’t un-speak words said during an in-person conversation.
I blog to make friends!
I blog to be controversial and non-conformist (when the topic at hand warrants it.) I also blog to be united with others (when the topic at hand warrants it.)
I blog because it makes me happy – that is pretty simple, wasn’t it?
Krissis last blog post..Why I Blog
The original intent of my blog was to have a place to keep information I’d gathered, things I wanted to try and stuff I wanted to remember in one place rather than on pieces of paper all over my home. That is still one of the purposes but it is also a creative endeavor and a social outlet.
I do not know anyone who has a blog, I have just stumbled across one after another as I’ve used the internet. I don’t know that I have a favorite yet. I tend to lean toward conservative, Christian, homemaking mothers.
I do not homeschool but I feel every mother can benefit from homeschooling blogs. I want to make sure that my son learns certain things and if I want him to know it I must teach it.
I do not read any commercial blogs. Thanks for the interesting question.
Good question!
Let’s see, I blog because:
it was a way for companionship over a long hard, and isolated winter,
it’s a way for me to keep my family and friends updated,
it’s been a great way for me to learn and show others about natural food sources, and saving money on groceries,
it’s a way to be opinionated without causing my family and friends grief,
It’s cheaper than therapy!
I read a lot of different blogs, some on saving money, some on biblical living, some friend blogs, and some like yours that I stop by to see what’s up! I normally don’t read commercial blogs as I feel they lack the personability of a personal blog.
Great question. Love to read the answers. This is from my blog:
Five Reasons I Blog
1. To bring glory to God: This blog is my expression, a celebration of things I enjoy and believe will encourage others. God is the focus of my life and will therefore be reflected here. Blogging with this goal is obedience to Titus 2 . This passage instructs older women to ” teach others what is good.” Blogging helps me do this with other homeschoolers and with my grown children. I can give homeschool advice, spiritual insights, recipes, and scrapbook pages to my married daughters or anyone else who stops by. How neat is that?– to be able to document (by date) thoughts and ideas for your children.
2. To grow spiritually: Journaling is an important part of my spiritual walk and part of my process of Bible study. I record insights, prayers, quotes, and things I discover. I used to write by hand on legal-size yellow notepads. Now I keep my journaling on my computer and blog. Here you will get nuggets of my personal trials, struggles, growth, joys and triumphs in my relationship with God.
3. To learn new things: I write to learn. I record my personal reactions to matters by writing as I study topics–I learned about blogging by writing about it. I comprehend the material, record my findings, restructure the new information, and then share my understanding. When I began homeschooling I wrote down my goals and checklists that turned into my first book. I continued documenting our homeschool journey and the methods that worked for us and it turned into a 500-page book. I journaled my experiences studying Christianity’s history, Hebrew roots, and the biblical holidays and it turned into a 600-page book. Recently I’ve been writing to learn about Web 2.0.
4. To make friends: Blogging is more powerful than journaling because of the interaction aspect. Writing to encourage others is good, but relationship encouragement is better. Jesus is our example. He was an effective communicator, not just because of who He is and what He said, but because He listened.Your comments give me another viewpoint (good, bad, or indifferent) and allow me to develop a relationship with you. Blogging with other Christians is fellowship. When readers allow me to know what they are thinking and feeling, it helps me to serve them and others better.
5. To organize my thoughts and writing: When I write my thoughts, feelings, perspectives, rants, and opinions on legal-size yellow pads, it’s random and disorganized. Placing these thoughts in a blog requires instant categorization. I begin by writing randomly but drag, drop, move, cut and paste drafts to their proper home and sit back and feel good about it–like the feeling you get when house is sparkly clean.
Robin Sampsons last blog post..Our First Day at Driving School
Happy Anniversary Penny!
I blog mainly as a social outlet – I am a very sociable person and most of my social interactions (outside of my home and church) take place online!
I LOVE to blog about books, and have been writing reviews a lot lately. I also love to share resources, because I am a resource junkie. Since I’m so new to blogging I’m still learning about my own motives and what I like to write about.
I mostly read book review blogs and conservative, christian, homeschooling mama type blogs. Blogs of friends to see what they are up to :).
Jennifer Bogarts last blog post..Daily Homeschool Freebies!