We have this beautiful antique piano that was given to us by a friend. Goes perfectly with my 1800’s house. But it was always missing something. It needed an antique mirror over it. On top of the piano there are all kinds of old family pictures. It is in the living room and the only room in my house that doesn’t have the look of a rustic barn, so it is a room where I could actually have something fancy. I searched high and low for the perfect mirror and actually found a few good deals and a half price special at Hobby Lobby, but I still did not want to spend $50, I really just don’t take home decorating that seriously. But on one of my endless treasure hunts I found the perfect mirror. It was made to go over a dresser. We took off the hardware, painted it gold and mounted it sideways. Works for Me!
here is a pic of the happy- soon to be newlyweds sitting in front of the piano
I am adding to my bookstore today, pennyraine.com/bookstore come and take a look!
Yes! We just did the exact same thing in our bedroom. People in the town we live in love to throw out their “old” stuff to replace it with new/improved stuff. We found our mirror on the curb (ready for the dump) down the street. Took off the posts, turned it sideways, added picture wire and had ~$100 mirror for <$10! Makes our room look bigger :o)