why I sell Lilla Rose Flexi Clips
—> added note – it has been 2 years almost 3 years 5 1/2 YEARS!!! 8 YEARS 10 YEARS!!!!! since I originally became a consultant and then wrote this article , I can now say with some experience and several promotions that I am still very blessed, and have been blessed to help lots of others get started, you can get right to it, and join up here by clicking here and looking for the link at the top right that says, “become a Lilla Rose” , or you can read more about why here …. —>
Awhile back a friend asked me if I would review something for my blog. It was some sort of hair clip, I remember thinking, well, I thought “sure, I have lots of daughters and someone would like it.” She told me to watch a short video and look at the site and tell her which size and what clip I would like. I had never heard of these Flexi clips before, but like I said I figured one of my girls would like it. Well we got one, and I did a giveaway.
What I wasn’t counting on was that my daughter with the most hair, thick and waist length, would love this thing, and wear it daily while doing crazy things like riding wild horses.
All. Day. Long.
And that it would last, and it still works great and that all started back in September 2012!
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After awhile of seeing her wear this clip day in and day out I thought I might get her another. And weighing things out like I usually do, I saw that I could become a consultant and save myself 30% on my own purchases. Since the enrollment kit was $49 and I got 5 clips with it I had nothing to lose. Well once I got a few more clips ALL my daughters liked them. Then after lots of months of just plain busy busy ness (2 daughters got married in 2012) I finally got around to telling someone about Lilla Rose. I decided to have a Facebook party. I really had no idea what I was doing, but they were having a sale and we have a great, and I mean GREAT online support group, so I figured I could ask them what I didn’t know. I was pretty well planned out, but at the last-minute a family situation (good not bad) arose that I absolutely had to devote my time to. So I was only partially present at my own party. I did have a few folks order clips, and that was great, but I also had a few decide to enroll under me as consultants. Now Lilla Rose is not like many other businesses of its type, most will charge $50 bucks to join, give the referrer half, the ones above a piece and the new person gets an order-form to order business supplies at inflated cost. I got zero, ZERO dollars to enroll someone at that point. They got a small business start-up kit that they could instantly use. I like that, I like it very much.
I have moms, (stay at home moms, homeschooling moms, new moms, moms of many, wanna be moms) ask me all the time if I know of legitimate ways for them to earn money at home without compromising their families or investing too much time and money. I started out with Lilla Rose for two reasons.
#1 to buy with a discount and #2 to vouch for the honesty of the opportunity when sharing with others.
That was it. I did not plan to do much with it, we have a home business and I write ebooks. I already had an income plan. But then folks started asking, “what is that clip in your hair?” And others enrolled under me when I wasn’t looking, and they started doing really well, REALLY WELL. Now I get my clips at a discount and I get commission from ones I sell, and those girls that I helped get started are doing so well that I get bonuses from their sales too.
Well I may have started slow but I am not dumb and I recognize God at work. And He is right in the middle of this. I love seeing the ones I started getting blessed, especially when it really helps their families. I love being able to GIVE things away. I love watching God at work in our Facebook group of nearly 800 women who don’t compete with one another but help one another. I love being part of a business that is kind and courteous when you need to call in to ask a question. I love the gifts and blessings I get in the mail and by email saying, “thanks!” I love that when I share about the products Lilla Rose makes I am doing them a favor! It is not motivated by what I will get. I will not sell something if I don’t honestly believe it will make someones life better. And I love having some pretty things to wear in my hair.
If that sounds like something that will bless you too, let me share a bit more. There are 3 ways to enroll with Lilla Rose, and they coincide with the ways to operate your business. You can share about the products in Home parties, office parties, catalog or facebook parties, online or at vendor events and shows such as fairs and festivals. Or just sell to friends and family. There are no quotas you must meet. There are no obligations. You get a replicated website included in your enrollment and if you choose to do absolutely nothing at all, the only catch, if you even want to call it that, is that you would have to pay a minimal fee after a year to keep the name there. But if you bought just a few clips for yourself it would cover that. However when you do start becoming more active and helping others to start you can get bonuses, and I must add, they build up quicker than you can imagine sometimes. I am happy to share a screenshot of my direct deposit paychecks if you are considering this as a real business.
Anyway that is my story, you can start for as little as $49, (we have a NEW bigger and better kit to get your business off to a running start!) you are not required to keep inventory but if you want to they have a fast start kit that gives you a huge discount on a large order or inventory that would get you set for a craft fair or similar event, and that instantly qualifies you for future bonuses.
You can find more info and get started yourself at my Lilla Rose site, this is the same site you will get with your name on it. Take a look around and if you want to see more click on the “Become a Lilla Rose” at the top.
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