~ update 2017 , again, this has been the most popular thing I have ever written, please consider, please pray and please be open to what the Lord is saying to you ~ it doesn’t really matter what I think or what you think, His Word matters, it judges with love, it instructs with caring
While the world and many who claim to be the Body of Christ are “playing evil” this weekend the real thing is happening. There really is no such thing as playing anyway.
Remember who is it you say you serve. His name is Jesus.
If you are celebrating Halloween you are right there at the party with satan himself. It doesn’t matter if you see it as real, he knows it is.
While folks are donning costumes and carving pumpkins and supposedly having fun, children that have been born for the purpose of sacrifice are being killed. Blood will be spilled and it isn’t fake blood.
While folks are having fun, the partying will go a bit far and some will drink too much, all in the name of fun of course, and innocent lives will be taken, run over by someone who had a bit too much fun.
While you are trick or treating you will deny Jesus, because that still small voice despises evil, and He will tell you so but you will make an excuse not to listen.
And while you are having all this innocent fun the Kingdom of Darkness is being advanced, and you are helping it. Cheers to Satan the world says. And most of what is supposed to be the church lifts it’s glass too.
Then Monday comes and they get back to the prayer chain praying for the unborn, and the sick and the needy. There is a word for that, hypocritical.
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” ~ Joshua 24:15
I tell the truth because I love you.
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Excellent article. I have taken a lot of “flack” for standing against this creepiness. I just can’t understand why so many Christians think it is innocent!
Standing with you on this issue. How Satan likes to blind people, even ‘good’ Christians, to his devices, in the name of ‘fun’.
Thanks for boldly stating the Truth. God bless. Jenni in Australia.
Really good post,Penny! Thank you for standing against evil!
Thank you. When “I decided out of the blue” (God told me, and I followed) not to participate in the halloween tradition in the early 1990’s, I didn’t realize that I was not alone. I had never heard of anyone else who didn’t do it, but I went against the grain anyway (harder to do than it sounds, sometimes). It has become a wave, with more and more Christians participating in “not participating”. Let’s keep this wave going!!
I agree with everything you said. I wish I could send a copy to all my “christian” friends. Thank-you so much for printing this!
Hello from Brisbane, Australia. I’m a student and found your material very useful. Thanks so much 🙂
I am totally here on this one. I am 23 raised not to celebrate Halloween. Never been trick or treating a day in my life, neither will my little girl and what other children I may have in the future. I just troly don’t understand how anyone is truly connected w/ Christ can participate in the awful “holiday”…this holiday rly makes me sick to my stomach…how can they not see how evil it is? I guess they think it’s okay b/c they don’t dress their children up in evil costumes…idk… I am a big advocate against it…
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” ~ Joshua 24:15 This is the reason our family does not observe most traditional holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving. All of those days originally began as celebrations for the gods of the nations (aka satan), not the One True God, Yahweh.
It’s the enemies lies that we listen to. He is subtle, luring us with cute costumes and candy. Behind it all lies the real truth – we are disobedient to our Creator who told us to avoid such things as this. But we put a cute name on it, decorate a pretty green tree, have our daughters wear a princess costume, hunt for eggs and think bunnies bring us baskets full of goodies. How long will we lie to our children about what He expects of us? How long will we try to make something evil into something good?
I was raised in a church that found fault in the history on EVERY holiday, not just Halloween. You’d better not celebrate any of those or get married in a traditional way (look up the pagan rituals linked to that). As far as I’m concerned God is the one who judges me. There are so many things in everyday life linked to pagan rituals that it’s ridiculous to not just live, with Christ in your heart and do your best to serve and love. I really don’t think I’ll be sent to Hell for keeping Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day or any celebration. I’m not a Jehovah’s Witness but grew up with the same types of beliefs in our household, which contained neither mercy or grace, just rules. I was left out of everything as I child and hated being an outcast. I’m lucky to even be a Christian today with the way I was taught about God. Not trying to start trouble, to each their own. If you feel convicted you shouldn’t keep it, but don’t make others feel condemned. There is NO condemnation in Jesus Christ.
PS. These things go on wether we are keeping Halloween or not. If every Christian stops letting their children dress up and get candy from strangers, will the bloodshed, if there really is any, stop? Probably not. I know I sound like an angry person, but I want people to think about what they are telling others. Thanks for sharing and letting me share my opinion. I appreciate it.
Lisa the scripture you refer to is Romans 8:1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” so if we are in Christ Jesus another person cannot make us feel condemned 🙂 . My words or anyone elses should not affect you. If you are in Christ Jesus it is His words that affect you. Make sense? So if you get something from what I say, good deal, if it doesn’t fit, you are under no obligation to listen. However if you are in Christ Jesus and you claim His name you are obligated to listen to Him. ~ blessings to you my friend
I understand, but where do you draw the line so to speak. A lot of what we do originated from worshipping idols and such. I found this article helpful in what I’m trying to say. It’s pretty interesting. Thanks for your feedback. 🙂
you are welcome Lisa, I guess we just have to approach each step and instance with prayer, asking the Lord to continually teach us. And be willing to hear and learn and submit.
Lisa, you question if there really is any bloodshed? Google Satanic ritual abuse if you would like to face the horrific reality. Something that repulsive and evil should make believers want to have nothing to do with such a day.
I’m with you Lisa. People can sit here and judge all they want on which holidays should be/and are celebrated and how people and Christians should (or shouldn’t) celebrate them but NO ONE knows how we will be judged but for One. You can pick and choose which scripture and bible passages you want to fit your beliefs but we can do that on almost every topic there is and NOT just on holidays. No one can speak on someone else’s walk with Christ because they do not know that person or on that person’s heart because only He knows our heart and people see what they want to see. And seriously, If you make a comment in your post about “people will probably think this s judgmental” obviously you have already acknowledged the fact that you are being judgmental. There’s a huge difference between teaching as Christ taught us and church politics.
I agree. If you want to party or play dress-up, there are better reasons than a day that celebrates evil and death.
Christine, whether your heart is right or not God’s Word is the judge here.
Penny – I’m curious. What are your thoughts about fall festivals? We don’t celebrate Halloween, but are torn on the whole Fall Festival thing. We don’t wear costumes…unless it’s a “punny” costume (Doctor scrubs + chili peppers = Dr. Pepper).
Penny, thank you for posting your article. I grew up in a Christian home, became a Christian at an early age, AND I grew up celebrating Halloween. I celebrated Halloween with my first two children. Then I saw a program on TV (YEARS ago) about “Satan’s Day” (Halloween), but in very REAL terms of how people REALLY DO celebrate that day as his day or more specifically NIGHT. It had such a profound impact on me of what Halloween means to Satan and people that worship him, that even watching the program creeped me out. The LORD began convicting me and in my heart I knew I should not be celebrating this day. My family no longer celebrated Halloween. We prayed and did other things every year on that night as a family. We did not even do “Trunk or Treat” that is alternatively celebrated by churches. I have 4 children who are all wonderful Christians…2 have children of their own and DO celebrate Halloween. When the Lord convicted me, He convicted ME. My children and all of my friends know my conviction, and when I have opportunity to share my conviction…I always do. But I also realize that what the Lord impressed on ME may not be what He impresses on others. I do believe, however, that we are to be His witnesses in sharing our testimony. We are to share, He is the one who convicts. So, I thank you for sharing, Penny.
Hi Penny. One of my friends grew up in a coven. Praise God, she is now a believer, but some of the things she told me about this holiday were abominable and horrifying. Nothing to do with its pagan origins, just what happens in the world TODAY. When we were new parents God lead us not to celebrate Halloween (or pretend there is a Santa, Easter bunny, etc.), and talking to my friend about it certainly reinforced that conviction. Thanks for your post.
I personally don’t like Halloween, but I don’t judge others about it. My kids DO want to T or T. When they were little and not influenced by friends, we went out to eat. Part of learning to get along socially is to experience things in a safe way. If I forbid my big kids to T or T, it will become more seductive to them, and I have seen kids deprived of holidays as children go all out on those very holidays as adults. We aren’t focusing on the satanic things at all–even if they see uglier, darker costumes. They are in it for the fun. I have seen darker-acting kids at the government schools. My kids are homeschooled because of it. One day and it will be over.
THEN we will spend the next 364 days saying, “Don’t take candy from strangers”–which is one of the more frustrating parts of Halloween to me (also the begging for candy). Call me “Scrooge”.
The truth is too many Christians are not taught the truth about Satan and what his followers do. They have their own set of un-holy days named Sabbaths, and they perform unspeakable evil during these times. One of those days is Samhain, which the world at large knows as Halloween. It is very real. It is not a joke. We should be doing spiritual battle against these powers of darkness, not pretending it is a harmless day of fun.
This article TRULY amazed and blessed me. #TruthAnyhow
So true! Wake up and open your eyes to see the truth. Amen.
Yes, celebrating Halloween is an open portal into the demonic realm. We are to choose life not death. I say choose life. Yeshua is life. As long as we are on the subject, the other pagan holidays are something we need to study too. The true feast days of the Lord are the Hebrew ones that He spoke about in the scriptures. They are prophetic and are holy convocations.
Shalom Penny. Excellent article. I see there are some here who disagree with our views, and want to accuse you of being judgemental, but I submit there was none found in this piece, but love. If they feel that way, then maybe Yahuah is trying to speak to them. God’s view on these things was quite clear. DO NOT DO AS THE PAGANS DO. And we are not so blind as to think that by not doing Halloween less blood will be shed, but rather it is a choice we make to truly honor Him in all we do, because we love Him. I personally do not celebrate any American holidays, but two, Thanksgiving and Veterans Day, being a veteran myself. Keep up the good fight, Penny! Yahuah baruch atah ( Yahuah bless you!)
Very well said , I agree totally, the only thing is that it is much much deeper then what it’s quoted here , if you want to know how deep it really is , read the book , He Came To Set The Captives Free , by Rebecca Brown Miller , thank you for your thoughts and stand ,
Well I don’t serve Satan. I really don’t get into Halloween. Believe people made it wicked. Enjoy the Candy.
I get a bit of what Lisa was saying. I too have studied holidays n do not participate in them in most ways.Halloween is very demonic and if you were ever in the occult would see (just look at so many costumes, crime n such also). We can however spend time together honoring the Lord and enjoying family. Halloween is not the only holiday that is steeped in pagan customs. Yet we all should take a look at our hearts. it is not us that does the judging but HIM. Yet we are called to speak the truth in love (His word not ours.) So many use the condemnation scripture but omit the rest as I saw above. Ro 8:1 ¶ There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
(NKJV) Notice the comma?
Also when He says remove the plank in your own eye first He means to deal with issues in your own life first then go, not not go at all. Perhaps too often we are on the defense and not wanting to see what He wants as it would cost us something to stand. He did and it cost Him His life….
I very much appreciated the article n felt it was in love too thank you…
When did Martin Luther post The Ninety-Five Theses?
Halloween was invented by the early church. It was a day set aside to remember the martyred Christians, much like our Memorial Day here in the U.S. In fact it is the reason why Martin Luther left his theses on this day, because he knew everyone would be showing up for church for Halloween, which means “Holy Evening.” It is still celebrated this way in Europe, the same way they celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, which has been distorted over here in the U.S. to be about drinking. There was a Druid holiday that took place the first day of fall, and lasted ’til winter, in order to ward off the cold winter which caused death to their crops. They would wear scarey masks to scare away evil winter spirits in order to prolong warm weather. It just so happened that Halloween was a day set aside in the fall, which is how the two have been misconstrued. Druids and Wiccans don’t believe in Satan worship, but they fear evil. The only way you could actually sin on Halloween is by actually committing a sin. Like actually worshipping a false god, or not loving other people. Halloween gives us the opportunity to meet new people and show them God’s love. You could even dress up your kid as a Biblical character or a Christian martyer in order to educate your children and others, and in remembrance of what this day was first about. After all, unlike the Druids, we have nothing to fear, because we have God.
HI penny. I love your article on Halloween b/c it is the truth. I was a high priestess in a coven and also studied satanism before Jesus saved me. I have many memories (unfortunately) of rituals that took place during the Halloween holidays. I believe our Jesus convicts all Christians about participating w/in Halloween functions but they choose to be “a part of society”. Whether they choose to believe in what goes on or not there are people who do believe in & act on their faith (in Satan) just like Christians believe in & act on their faith in God!
Thanks for the straight forward truth! I have been against this wicked celebration for quite some time, but am grieved to see so many defend and even get angry if you speak against it! May those who say they are called by His name humble themselves & submit to the still small voice!
Thank you for sharing. I grew up celebrating Halloween and when I married my husband, we both felt a strong conviction from the Holy Spirit to STOP. We tried for years to “change” our participation by going to “Halleluyah” parties or handing out scripture candy, but about 14 years ago we got the clear understanding that any “flirtation” with evil is adultery in our Father’s eyes. We eliminated it completely, and once you are obedient you are led to obey in all things. We now embrace His Word as our standard, preferring to be “set apart” than of “the world” and we observe His Feast Days (they honor our Messiah- they are all about Him!) and Sabbath rest and keeping and guarding our Father’s commandments (defined by our Messiah as LOVE). Once you are willing to let go of the world, you are given more opportunities to “come out of her”- and I encourage believers to take that journey! His Spirit leads and guides us, opening our eyes more as we learn to trust Him. We have a clearer understanding now of what pleases Him and doesn’t, and we don’t want to participate in anything that doesn’t! Our love for Him and His Ways is DEEPER because we Trust Him. We Trust Him because we Love Him. It’s all a part of being His child.
Amen. Truth be spoken.
As a Christian we do not go out and dress up for Halloween our church has a fall festival where the children and all adults come to the church and eat dinner and play some games we do this to keep the children of our church off the streets and to keep them from dressing up in costumes. We are a Pentecostal church and do not believe in celebrating Satan’s day.We do give the kids sweets , good food and fun games.
There is really no good excuse for celebrating any pagan holiday. Jesus said Be ye therefore Holy for I am Holy.