The kitchen tends to be a congregating place at our house. Partially because we have a nice big country kitchen with a huge island in the middle. The other reason is because we tend to equate hospitality with food in a big way. I have shared before that my daughters are incredible cooks. Often a guest will pick up a spatula or a dishtowel and just join in whatever fun is going on. So here is my tip on what Works For Me This Wednesday . Have extra pretty aprons on hand.
Everybody loves aprons anyway. 🙂 And any excuse to put on an apron is a good one.
mom2fur says
I love my aprons! This is such a nice idea, although I rarely have company. I think I will have to remember this for my Christmas Eve party, since I like to give a little something to my guests and I could make up some half-aprons very easily!
.-= mom2fur´s last blog ..In Ohio This Week =-.