Around this time of the year when we start getting lots of goodies from the garden we start a big pickle jar.
We use a one gallon wide mouth jar, I fill about 1/3 with apple cider vinegar and about 1/3 water. Then the fun begins, I add about 1/2 cup of cajun spice and then anything goes! Several cloves of garlic, some thickly sliced cucumbers, several hot peppers, fresh okra, some sliced yellow squash, any green tomatoes that fell before their time, and lots of sliced onions! As much as I can stuff in that jar. Keep it refrigerated and give it about 2 days or so then put it out at each meal and the fishing begins! Fish out whatever you want for that meal and keep replenishing daily from the garden. The longer it sits the better it tastes, just keep it in the fridge. I would haved loved to have gotten a picture with the jar full, but they eat it as fast as we fill it!
the famous pickle jar works for me this Wednesday
I like it. I will try it. Ever put brocolli or beans in it? Is it good?
Barbara I have tried cucumbers, onions, peppers hot and sweet, yellow squash, zucchini, beans, cauliflower, okra (my fav), green tomatoes, lots of garlic (another fav) and probaby more, never tried brocolli but it sounds good
We always mix up onions and cukes with vinegar and oil. What a great idea to keep a jar filled… Rachel especially loves them, so she is going to LOVE this idea!
Yummm… I can almost taste them!
.-= Jacque´s last blog ..De-Cluttering Leftovers =-.