This week’s preview
I added some new header pictures, and moved things around a bit. Are you enjoying the changes?
In my bookstore I have new things coming and new books being released this week.
I am reworking my site, if you are interested in the Where to Find Repo Homes Special Reports, you need to get them quick as I will be ending the sale as soon as I get the new site ready.
My is up and running and has more new recipes on it, and I have another I am getting in order, one about blogging.
Tuesday June 16 I will be sending out my Front Porch Fellowship E-zine.
Here is my blogging schedule for the week.
Monday- I will join in with “Simple Woman’s Daybook”, “Menu Plan Monday” and “At the Well” is back!
Tuesday- Time for Tackle it Tuesday. Maybe another blogging lesson. I have added some blogging resources to my sidebar.
Wednesday – Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday picture and a Word-filled picture with a fresh word from the Lord!
Thursday- In the past it has been “real deal reviews” and Thursday Thirteen, and Thankful Thursday. And maybe a guest post. I have just not been at a regular schedule on Thursdays so I may come up with something new.
Friday- Back to Frugal Fridays, and my Meme called FAVORITE FRIDAY FREEBIES! Did you all enjoy is last week?
Anything new you would like to see added to the regular schedule? I am really looking for some new ideas.
take a look at my front page I have great things happenings this week! and in my bookstore! better yet subscribe to my feed
and .. your thoughts?