I have incredible daughters. They can cook, sew, bake bread, care for a baby, clean like a professional, and also break a horse, drive a tractor, milk a cow, can homemade preserves, and stack a field full of hay bales. They are also creative and beautiful. Now what I want to know is why that is unusual? When did we as Christian American parents lose our desire to raise daughters with values AND skills? My new ebook series was born out of a need to teach young (and old) mothers forgotten skills. Basic stuff. These are things we have learned together in our home. Why didn’t my mom teach me this stuff? I am glad I was bored enough with the normal American lifestyle to sit at my grandmas elbow as she sewed. It sparked something creative in me.
Raising domestic daughters, now that is something that works for me this Wednesday.
I wish my daughters were interested in doing all those things. They only like some. But I see it as we should know how to do it period. I have one daughter at home right now so if I need help she is there.
BarbaraLees last blog post..2/25/09 What a is our Pres. trying to pull.
I think a main reason is because so many mommas work now and have their children in every after-school program under the sun.
My momma taught me what she could.
We lived in a big city when I was a child and my momma worked full-time plus had a home business. We had church groups, dance lessons and sports practice when we weren’t in school.
I do remember doing some canning and crafts with my momma a couple of summers when I was very small…and those are the memories I cherish the most.