This will be long but I want to share something, I have this pet peeve, I rarely share that, but here goes, it is when young folks say they are doing something not their parents way like they are proud of that, well I was at this funeral the other day for a very wise, witty older very hard working farmer who lived to be 93, and his grown grandchildren were sharing memories, and one of the young men said, “I FOLLOWED THAT MAN EVERYWHERE, he was a man worth following” and wow that hit me. 2 thoughts here. #1 be someone your children and grandchildren can look up to and follow! and #2 don’t not follow something right just because you think it isn’t cool to be like your parents, if what they lived was wrong then don’t live that way, but if what they live is right, and you are rebelling just so you can say you are not doing what your parents do, then you are a fool, we are not here to “find our own way” we are here to find HIS way, because that is the way to life ~ Penny Raine
follow wisdom
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