How often do we consider the fact that the”public school children” that many parents don’t want their children associating with are the way they are because of what they are taught in public school? It is nearly impossible to not become what they teach. You can’t dip a stick in paint and not have it come out the color of that paint. Just like you can’t put a child in gov school and not have it come out influenced, and being an influence. ~ Penny Raine
What some folks call “bad kids” are not that way without being taught that certain behavior is ok and somewhat expected, I don’t believe in calling anyone a “bad kid” but I do believe many can be bad influences, myself included back when I was in school. What are your convictions? Your morals? How many hours a day do you spend sharing them and the reasons with your children? How many hours a day do they spend with folks, often louder speaking and some times those in authority that have different views?
Just the difference between being taught your world happened by chance versus being created by God changes everything,
and .. your thoughts?