Isn’t she the cutest thing? Her Momma’s name is Moon Pie, Moon Pie is the youngest in our long line of Jerseys, and this is her first calf. It is always a blessing to get a girl to keep the line going 🙂 . Boy calves end up burgers around here. We love them while they are here though. Want to hear some fun cow lineage? Moon Pie’s Momma is Sisse, Sisse’s Momma was Dairy Queen, Dairy Queen’s Momma was Daisy, There was also a Dandy, and a Bessy and a Blossom. I remember back years ago asking the Lord for a cow for my family. I wanted them to have that experience and have healthy milk. He answered that prayer and went above and beyond like only He can. Over the years there has been a lot of milk, yogurt, cheese, and of course ICE CREAM, and a lot of fun.
and .. your thoughts?