Direct sales business opportunities are kinda funny, either folks love them, and buy into 5 or 10, or they hate them and avoid all mention of them like the plague. I recently read this article
Direct Sales Are Ruining My Friendships
that said it was even ruining her friendships. I find that sad. But I want to share that it doesn’t have to be that way. I am a director with a not yet well known company, successful but still somewhat young, less than 10 years old. I am one of 8 directors and there are about 5000 consultants. However, I have had exactly the opposite experience of the woman in the article, and many others, and I want to say that it is possible. Here are 10 reasons why, it is a sequel to to “Why I sell”
#1 I choose a company that does not make false claims, NOBODY has the market on good health, and NO ONE PRODUCT will heal everything, but many will say that theirs does which means right off the bat they are lying, yep lying and that is no way to treat a friendship, neither is it good business practice. The product I sell won’t heal anything, except maybe a bad hair day.
#2 I choose to put my relationships first and business second, that is just who I am, I won’t take advantage of folks because God won’t bless that.
#3 I myself believe you will be blessed by what I share and how I share it with you.
#4 I want you to achieve your goals, not help me with mine. I want you to feel pretty and simplify your schedule. If you choose to join me in my business I want it to be in a way that works for YOU. I am blessed by your success whether that be by setting goals for family life or by operating a successful income producing business. If you take something I teach and use it in a way that benefits your family even if it does not earn me a dime I am still blessed because family is a very high priority to me, and I love to see others succeed that way also.
#5 If you do want to makes tons of money I can show you how to do that, but as your friend I will also remind you to keep your priorities straight. And if you never want to make any money just buy a couple gifts I am good with that too.
#6 My business group is a community. I often share that our starter kit which has retail value of more than you pay ($49) is worth it just for he fellowship of the gals in my group, but you also get the $49 + worth of goodies.
#7 I respect my friends, if they want to hear about what I do great but if not I still value them.
#8 I won’t mislead you, feel free to ask to see my paychecks, I will show and tell you honestly why the good months worked and what I was busy with in the slower months, although my checks are pretty consistent. I will offer advice, support and prayer 🙂
#9 I won’t ask you to spam your friends, in fact I will ask you not to. I will encourage you to share with your friends how you have been blessed and then let it sit. I also don’t encourage begging.
#10 I love my friends and team members I want to see them succeed in every area of life and I desire to give lots of gifts, which is the best part of being successful, I get to give away lots!
Now, if you want to hear about my business I am happy to share, but that was not the point of this article, the point was to say that it is possible to be part of a direct sales business and do it reputably and keep your friends, and even add more.
For those who might want to know, I am an independent director with Lilla Rose, you can find more info here
you may also be interested in reading Why I Sell Lilla Rose Flexi Clips
and .. your thoughts?