I have refrained from commenting on this and simply just observed. As usual I have seen two things, folks who have absolutely no concept of the Gospel not understanding the lives of those who live for Christ, and the ones who claim to live for Him proving by their ignorance that they don’t. So here goes, a few words on raising a family for Him, and the consequences
my commentary here may border ranting so read my words at your own risk, I do speak out of love
#1 sheltering your children is not wrong, it is called loving care, similar to putting your Lamborghini in a garage during a hailstorm
#2 having as many children as the Lord chooses to give you is not motivated by ignorance, rules or any other such thing, again it is love, whether it is 2 children or 19
#3 choosing to live a Christian lifestyle also is not bondage or ignorant, most of this countries founding fathers were Christians, it is what this country is founded on, it takes a lot of courage to live for Christ
#4 this is America, pretty much no one is forced to do much, we all live by our choices here
#5 parents who raise their children by the bible and BELIEVE it are targets, yes targets, the enemy will do anything he can to take them down and ruin their reputation, if there is any weak link, which can be prompted by even a thought, he will attack, the fact that the Duggars have been attacked this way pretty much proves that they have done something right, maybe not your way, maybe not my way, but I do believe they are people of prayer and I do believe they have raised their family the way they know best for their family
#6 everybody thinks they are an expert, but honestly, they usually have way bigger problems than I ever have so I am not impressed,
#7 maybe, just maybe, folks who really are believers actually pray for folks when they fall, maybe we really love them, that includes Josh Duggars wife, maybe she doesn’t need to be rescued, maybe she really loves him and wants him helped, oh my such a thought
I can feel for them, and the true believers will be known by how they respond to things such as this, read your word
so all that said, here is a good article by a dear friend, well said Kelly Liverett Crawford
As happens every time the public is shocked with news, a vicious manhunt begins for the reasons “why” or “how” this could happen.
It’s no different with the Josh Duggar scandal except for one thing: opponents of homeschooling or evangelical Christian values are using it to perpetuate their already-loathing of these groups of people. That’s to be expected, as illogical as it is.
But some Christians are wondering too, doubting even, if in fact, Duggar’s upbringing could have caused him to plunge headlong into porn addiction and ultimately adultery…… read more here
and .. your thoughts?