I had someone recently good heartedly give me a hard time for being chipper on Mondays. What she didn’t know is that often I have reasons for being anything but chipper. But even the thought of her cute comment makes me smile.
How we choose to celebrate each and every day is a choice. A choice that no one can take away. A choice that chooses life or death for that day.
I choose life. Every day.
I choose to impart life and when I am able I choose to impart joy and “chipper-ness” .
That is why I smile at the thought of my friend’s comment. Because she recognized my intentions. Which means that I am successful, yay!!
So. Are you going to have a good day? Yes you are, because you choose to.
Are you going to have a good week? Yes you are because you are alive, and Jesus has given you freedom to make choices.
So. Happy Monday!!
Have a blessed week.
and .. your thoughts?