Here we are again, I love Mondays 🙂 .
New week, new to to do list, new goals. What are yours? And has dawned on you yet how close to the end of the year we are? 7 more Mondays after this one.
I often like to look back at last years goals and plans and see how things shaped up. I have never ever had a time when God did not surprise me with his goodness. He is always above and beyond what I think He can be. If that doesn’t ring true in your life I humbly suggest maybe He isn’t allowed to do as He pleases in your life. Surrender to Him, not just with some words but with your heart. Give it all. You will be amazed.
Now onto this week.
I have 2 books coming up as the specials. One this coming Friday and the other next Friday. I recommend you go on over and enroll as their subscriber for free today. There are plenty of things you will not want to miss. My book for this week was actually written 6 years ago, but has been updated and is more relevant now than ever. The one for next week is new and after being released there will be on Amazon. Both are about family, surprising, huh?
How about this as my featured book this week? My 10 Tips on How to be an Awesome Grandparent
Being a grandparent is lots of fun but is not an opportunity to spoil or ruin your grandchildren. Unless of course you want to ruin your relationship with their parents, your own children. Read along as I share lots of tips on blessing your grown children by becoming the grandparent that has every bodies best interests at heart. It is not a popularity contest.
Also up this week, an article about enjoying seasons. 🙂
still continuing this week
got boys? this is an incredible seminar and it is not too late to join
plans for this week
- some new book reviews, one called growing up social, looks interesting so far
- would you like another Lilla Rose Flexi Clip giveaway ? better yet I have a Turkey Trot! details coming
- more thoughts on organizing and planning, and seasons in life
- and probably some more about good health
- stay tuned!!
and .. your thoughts?