And now it is Monday! We have lots more family things going on this week, but I have some goodies for you too and more in store. First up, my featured book of the week.
Creatively Simple How to Make Your House a Home, available at Amazon.
This is one of my favorites.
We spent last weekend at the local Sheriffs Rodeo, had daughters riding and a Lilla Rose booth, and now it is back to business day after several late night and busy days. You know it is always easier to get back to things when they have been kept in order. A little change in the schedule isn’t so hard when you can pick back up where you left off. But when things are out of order to begin with you have a mess.
So … word of the week, keep it in order!
I still have more reviews coming up this week along with some creative changes, some purging of old things and ways, and maybe some giveaways.
Tell me what is your favorite part of this blog?
Name your favorite from this list in the comments and I will do more of it.
- personal stories
- thoughts and ponderings
- do-it-yourself things
- reviews
- giveaways
- God lessons
- food and recipes
and .. your thoughts?