It is Tackle It Tuesday at, today, at the Raine house we are tackling tomato sauce. Remember that sink full of tomatoes I showed you last week? Well we get about that much every other day. So what we do is wash them all and slice and put in a huge electric turkey roaster. Then I mash with a potato masher If I am going to be freezing it I might add some finely diced onions, garlic and bell peppers. If I am canning I just use tomatoes, if I add in anything else I would have to pressure can, and I prefer to just water bath can when I do tomatoes. Freezing is a better method for retaining the nutrients, but there are few things prettier in a canning jar than tomatoes. We usually do some of both. After you have it all in the turkey roaster you just cook on med, mixing every hour or so. You can actually use a hand blender if you like. Just cook it down until it gets to the desired consistency, it will take hour, then let it cool. if you are putting in freezer bags only fill about halfway and seal then lay on side in freezer basket or box or plastic container. After they are frozen you can take out of container and you will have flat bags that are easy to arrange in your freezer. :)
😳 At the risk of sounding dumb, do you peel and take the seeds out first. I am going to try to make some sauce to freeze for the first time and could use a clue.
Thanks – I am amazed how at how many things you do and always look forward to your posts.
not at all a dumb question, some folks do, we don’t, we keep it in but blend it well when we go to use it, I have a new ebook available in my bookstore on canning tomatoes