Big news in Mom Blogging circles lately is this announcement.
In February 2009, new requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) take effect. more here
Now while we are still waiting on updates, it has been stated that at least all items manufactured prior to Feb 2009 will be exempt. The new law is intended to reduce lead levels in children’s items. It was thought at first that it would close all used clothing and consignment shops including Goodwill and those like it.
Now we are waiting to hear about Book Publishers. If not changed this would put small publishers out of business.
I will keep you posted on what I hear but you can also keep your eyes on it here. CPSC which is the same place you check for recalls.
Anne-Marie says
I haven’t seen any news on exemptions. I know how the media loves to report without all the facts, so I temper that knowledge with what I read in the online LA Times where they said that it would affect Goodwills. That said, this was passed in the summer and yet I never heard anything when I went to the Goodwill (dropping off stuff). I am going to donate more soon so perhaps they will have info on it IF they are affected. I hate to think that all of this stuff could end up junked thanks to the Chinese. But then politicians are rarely (if ever) accused on thinking. CPSIA seems to be poorly thought out and horribly managed. BTW I emailed all of my congressional reps. I hope others will do the same.
Anne-Maries last blog post..My Find of the Week!
Penny says
the link I gave explained that used items will not be included
Jill says
Thanks for keeping us updated 🙂
Jills last blog post..Free Sample SoyJoy Bar – WalMart
Penny says
I have heard about some lawyers working on this and places to test reasonably, I will keep you posted on what I hear. Good laws can be bed if not worded right huh?