Well, here goes, my to-do tackle it Tuesday list for today, actually it will probably roll into all week, but I start with a list.
- Need to send out my Front Porch Fellowship e-zine. You can subscribe free here at my bookstore.
- Update my bookstore .
- Organize online baby shower for my daughter, for all of my blog friends to leave her notes.
- Work on my new blog site bless-my-grandbaby.com where I am writing about becoming a Grandmomma
- Finish my newest ebook.
- Send out my ministry newsletter, “Handfuls On Purpose”. It is already scheduled but you can read it online here at his blog site Ruth2.com and subscribe for next month.
- Design a few new blog headers.
- Compile and star scheduling for my big Bloggy Giveaway week Jan 26-30.
- and finally I need to redecorate and update my main site front page PennyRaine.com
All that in the middle of being a momma, and that was just the online work that needs to be done.
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Ooooh, I have a lot to do, too! Always do in January.
Websites are a work in progress, aren’t they? 🙂
yes constant work in progress
Seems like I can never keep up with my blog. My to-do-list should include actually posting on a somewhat regular basis. 😉
😕 That’s a lot of computer stuff. do you design your own site? I like the 3 column look. I’m looking for a new design.
Jena (Organizing Mommy)s last blog post..Extreme Muscle Therapy
here is the link for the theme i have, but I customized it quite a bit http://www.bytesforall.com/
Thant is a mighty big todo list! 😆
.-= Free Sample Queen´s last blog ..Free Sample of Always Infinity =-.