Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. Can you believe it is December 1st? I have a lot of things planned for this week. My Black Friday sale ends sunday night at midnight, so unless you are up late, it will be done by the time you read this. However I will probably not be up late so if it is still on the site, take advantage of it here. 🙂 I will also be having a Cyber Monday sale that you will just have to check out for yourself. We have snow coming and it will be a good time to write the studies and articles I have on my schedule. So be blessed!
Monday- Cyber Monday sale. I will be announcing the winner to my book giveaway. Also I will join in with “Simple Woman’s Daybook”, “Menu Plan Monday” and “At the Well”.
Tuesday- Another edition of my Front Porch Fellowship E-zine, you can subscribe free here. And our ministry newsletter Handfuls on Purpose, you can subscribe free for that one here. Time for Tackle it Tuesday, and another bogging lesson, have you got blogging questions?
Wednesday – Winner announcement for the holiday apron giveaway. Works for me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday picture and a Word-filled picture with a fresh word from the Lord!
Thursday- The plan is more “real deal reviews” and Thursday Thirteen, and Thankful Thursday. And maybe a guest post.
Friday- my new Meme called FAVORITE FRIDAY FREEBIES! And I will again join Robin Sampson for her Fruit of the Spirit Friday. And Crystal is back with Frugal Friday, or is she?
don’t miss a thing Subscribe in a reader
wow! you sure are a busy lady! bless your heart! you kind of put me to shame! lol
jayedees last blog post..the thursday thirteen..happy thanksgiving!